Sunday, December 9, 2012

Social Media:

Let your friends know c:
Via Face Book,Twitter,Tumblr,Youtube,ETC.
Tell YOUR story.

My Facebook: Riley Nicole Sterner
My Tumblr:
My Youtube: I'm Working on it,Geez.
My Twitter: Nicole Sterner

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The First Step:

We have to accept the fact that we are all different,Our choices,Our voices,Our Opinions,Our looks.Everything.Bu,In the inside,We all want the same thing.
But how?
Simple things;Smiling at the kid across from you,Picking up litter,Helping a neighbor out,Even just being polite.It's a small thing,A simple thing,First,A couple people,Than a couple Hundred Than a million,Start programs helping the enviorment, Recycle,One thing can change the world.And it all starts with YOU.Yes,You,The kid staring at your screen thinking.

Kid's These Days.

I want to be part of something that's bigger than me.I want to carve my own path,;live my life on my own terms,I want to have an impact.I am going to fail epicly,People will tell me that I can't and that I shouldn't .I'm gonna hold onto my idea and start changing what I want, I'm gonna hold on and summon every ounce of strength in my being and hold on a little bit longer,We are the kids of these days,We will not bully,We will end wars ,We are going to make the world a better place.
Kids These Days.

We can change the world.We can try.We are the kids of this generation,We will change what people think about us.We will change their opinions,It's time to prove these people wrong.Together,We can change this.We can do this,We can make an impact on this world.We are all together,We WILL do this,We all want the same thing,I Don't know about you but I'm done waiting,We can take the first step together.
Let's kick the world's butt.Let's do it.Together.